Sunday, April 23, 2006

Time flies

Time surely flies fast. In a week I will be home and happy having finished and survived my exams. It is amazing how the time flies. Usually, three weeks seem like forever, not so when you are studying for exams. Because when you are studying for exams, the week doesn't have seven days, it only contains the days between exams. Tomorrow is my fifth exam and on Friday is my last. I dread the exam tomorrow as it is in a very difficult subject, where most of the people taking it have Gaelic where I do not, thankfully I have a background now of Old Irish to assist me in figuring out the differences between the languages and to see how the Scottish Gaelic language has developed over the course of 1100 years. Yes, the period of the course is quite extensive and I have to know very many details of fricative, labial, sonorant and velar sounds along with phonemes, homophones and consant clusters (ng, nc, nd). I also have to be able to tell why there is s- in and why they changed from ch > dh and gh in words and how eclipses and lenition changed and diverged with the languages. I even have to be able to talk about the problems of understanding where the -annan in plural endings of Scottish Gaelic words comes from and what certain guys (like O Rahilly, Greene, Ó Buachalla and O Maolalaigh) have to say about it. Dear me, is there any wonder my head is ready to explode.

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