Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm Merry oh so merry and very ...

I'm Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck!

Drunken and lively, driven and strong, you're Meriadoc Brandybuck, more often known as Merry!

"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours - closer than you keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo."

Which hobbit in the fellowship of the Ring are you?

Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes


I would never have thought in a million years, that I would label myself in this way or any other for that matter. I am just me. But I allowed my good friend Guðný Stellu to talk me into joining the girls of the Bachelorette page ( Dear God, I have no idea what to write about there, but we will see how it works out.
Well among things I can think about that a Bachelorette would ponder would be guys. So when we was riding home in a taxi today I started wondering and looking around me. Now, I must say, for me, it is not the easiest choice to make. I am very picky when it comes to guys. I like them, tall, rugged, manly ... basically I go for the caveman everytime. The meterosexual guy just isn't doing anything for me or my imagination. I just really don't fancy a guy who thinks more on how he looks than I do. I want him to be neat, (smell nice, and definitely not reak of sweat from the moment he moves in the morning) but other than that I will take whatever. Bodily sounds should be included so that you know he is working right, a brain (and braincells at work) and just for extra measure, a killer stupid humor (to fit into the group) and a naughty twinkle in his eyes. hmmm. Oh, and don't forget a voice that would make you melt and a hillarious laugh, no sizzie laughter but a real bellyshaking, face-splitting, tear-down the cheek laughter. Rrrooowwwwrrrr. Ooo, must stop or my imagination is going to go into overdrive, I should be studying so no time for imagination. Unless it is about a very sexy teacher and .... mmm. STOP!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Too tired to shop?

Yup, you would think it was April's Fools day to be seeing this on my website, but it is true. I managed to drag myself into the city center around 2 o'clock today to get some food into my very empty belly, and I just felt myself get more and more tired. I managed to have a wee keek into few shops but I wasn't concious enough to buy anything. I looked at a lot of pretty things but that was the only thing I managed to do. And to top this up, there are sales going on, upton 70% in some stores and I just walked past. Unthinkable. Unheard off. Unbelieveable. But I sort of promised myself that I would take a better look tomorrow. And then we will see if I get something nice. ... oh my poor poor bank account.

Pre-boarding shit annoys me

I woke up at four to go to the airport this morning. Wasn't in a very chippy mood since I didn't get much sleep. I am lucky if I got two and a half. My last night at home, and I couldn't fall asleep. But the trip to the airport was fine, said goodbye to mom and dad at the security gate and went wandering around the maze of the new and "soon to be improved" airport to do some last minute shopping before leaving the country. I arrived at the gate on time, they said on the card Boarding at 6:50 am, fine with my, but no, not with them. I managed to get my ass there on time, why should I have to wait. The plane was there, two other passangers were there but the crew was a no-show. Had to wait for a bit longer for them to show up. Then when I finally thought I would be seeing my seat, no, they let you in, but only so far. They have a very nice word for it to, "we are only pre-boarding". Can someone explain that to me, I was nowhere near the airplane, how in hell could I be pre-boarding anything. I was just standing there in a hallway, looking at the behind of an American fat guy, and listening to other American fat people bonding. - Oh, hey were are you hailing from? - Well we come from this small shitty place somewhere in the middle. - No kidding, I knew a guy there a couple of years ago, ever heard of him? Hmm, love bright people. I think it would have to be a really small shitty place in America that anyone would know anyone there.
And what is with the hair-dos of the American women. They have horrible hair. It is hardly possible to describe it. It's not feminine, it's not masculine, it isn't even uni-sex. A blind man would cringe at the way they do their hair. And what is it with American men, they can't travel anywhere without taking their cowboy hat with them. Hmm, why not just a sign that screams AMERICAN WITH NO STYLE.
Ok, done with ranting at Americans, not gonna be bothered with them until I return home I guess. So hey, they get a month break. I am back in Glasgow and I survived, dead tired and hungry, but intact. Good night!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

It's time for Iceland

This is the english version of the Icelandic Eurovision Song Contest contribution. Just way too cool!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It's a 4 thing going on

Everyone has a 4 of something, now I am going to try to think up a few 4s that I have.
4 films I can watch over and over again
- Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version)
- Kabhi Khusi Kabhi Gham (have watched it more times than my own reflection in the mirror)
- Carry On Doctor ( I just love British humor)
- Independence Day (it's just so darn American, you don't need your brain when watching it)
4 TV shows I like
- House (just love Hugh Laurie in it, I miss Jeeves and Wooster)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Josh Whedon is a genius; hence Firefly)
- Desperate Housewives (if you ever heard Árdís and me, while watching these shows you would wonder what the h"#$ was going on)
- 24 (don't know why, but when you start you can't just stop you have to finish)
4 websites I visit everyday
- (the the latest news from home)
- (Glasgow University home page, to access my mail, and other school related sites)
- my pal's websites (not technically one, more like several that I go through everyday)
- (to see if there is anything new that I must have)
4 things I look forward to
- finishing my exams (and of course passing all of them with flying colours)
- seeing my pals again over the summer
- getting money from LIN (when I finally hand over the results from my exams)
- going back to Uni in September (I know, pretty weird person this)
4 types of food that I love
- Icelandic lamb
- anything with a Banana
- and bizzare me Chicken (yes, if you have to eat it (because you are too lazy to cook anything else) learn to love it)
4 restaurants I like in Scotland
- Chows (love Chinese, flied lice)
- TGI Fridays (mmmm cocktails)
- Hard Rock Café in Edinburgh (love it, slurp)
- Whetherspoon (tried it once, loved it forever)
4 languages I have learned
- Danish
- French
- German
- Gaelic (Modern Scottish Gaelic and Old Irish)
4 languages I want to learn
- Hindi (to watch more Bollywood films)
- Shinalese (spoken in Sri Lanka)
- Italian (and maybe also Latin)
- Welsh ( so I can say properly; I want to go to Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, please)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snow snow snow snow snow

Wow, it finally hit. Finally, snow in Glasgow you can actually call snow, but in a funny way. More than 3000 people had to stay at night-clubs and pubs and hotels in the city center last night because it snowed. Today, I saw at least 4 cars sit stuck in the snow for a while, well, I don't know about two of them if they are still there. I walked with my friend Árdís to the Somerfield store, and going through the park was wonderful and fun. Although my friend wasn't as excited. Everywhere you looked, people were there with their kids and their sleighs and snowfights and snowman makers. Some of the snowmen were really creatively made, and I know for sure that I saw at least one snow-sheep.
I didn't go to sleep very early last night and was awake until 3 am and because I kept hearing all these people outside my window I took a wee look-see and boy, this was hilarious. Young adults (mostly) in their pajamas and boots outside having a massive snowfight. Brilliant.
On the news; they showed us images from people trying to get into work in Glasgow by skiing. Imaginative and inventive. See this comes from being in a country that is really, and I mean really, unprepared for snow. Not that they don't know that they could expect to get snow, but boy, this is stupid. They obviously don't have very many machines to clear their streets and they definitely didn't think of sending them out when it started to snow so heavily, even though they knew it would create a caoz. Thankfully it wasn't Monday night or else Glasgow would have been in a really bad way. And of course because, even though they know they can expect snow, the season for snowing is practically over here in Scotland, so snow of this magnitude, even though it wasn't that great will still put everything to a standstill. No snowtires for the cars, not even the firebrigade, which I didn't find funny at all, when we saw them mosey down Byres road on a call, don't they have chains, even though they are travelling snow-light streets it can be very slippery and chains, would be more help than not. Glasgow! Learn to be prepared for anything, please!
But still I had fun, and took lots of pictures, grins.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Alcohol and Old Irish

They kind of go together. I wouldn't have thought it, but it actually helped make sense of the exercise I was slaving over tonight. I had a big glas of Blackcurrant vodka with sprite, always sooo good, and my Old Irish work. It took me more than 3 hours but still I am now halfway through. Yess, it is not the easiest language in the world, and that is probably why it is deader than Latin. They must at some point looked back and thought what the bl"#$ h#$$# are we talking and changed it somewhat trying to make it understandable. I don't know if they succeeded very much, it doesn't seem to be growing in popularity. Anyway I am knackered and am heading for bed. A big day shopping tomorrow and I think it is better for me to head to bed soon, since I am hardly seeing the screeen and my fingers have given up trying to hit the right keys on the keyboard. It has taken me ages just to write this short passage. Say hello, unconciousness!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sylvia Nott

Iceland's Eurovison Song Contest contribution 2006!
Had to give you a sneak peak of what you might be expecting.

Enjoy!! (with caution)

Such a relief

Oh, dear Lord, am I happy now. My exam timetable finally showed up on the web tonight. it is ironic, that I just decided not to give a damn about it and booked my flight home over the summer break, yesterday. I had completely given up hope of seeing it anytime soon. But nothing was going to deter me from going home for a few days. I decided to stay for two weeks, that would still give me enough time to study for my exams here in Glasgow if need be, because honestly, I am not that optimistic of being able to study all that hard when I am at home. So I go home on Thursday 16th, just 8 days from now (am sooo looking forward to it) and then I will be back in Glasgow on Thursday 30th. My first exam is then on the 11th of April and with good spacing between each exam I will finish on Friday 28th. Six exams in all, and boy, am I freaking out right now. But I will be delirious if I am able to go home for my summer holiday on April 30th, Sunday, and the day before my brothers birthday. I miss them all soo much. I have spoken to my niece on the phone quite a lot recently and she is always asking when I will be coming home. Well, now I can tell her it is really really soon!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sometimes insomnia is ok

Well I don't have insomnia but I had a hard time going to sleep last night. Might be due to the fact that I fell asleep for two hours during the day, which is not normal for me. But anyway, I was ready for bed, but still in the bathroom when I glanced at the tv, and saw something I had not been expecting. I did not hear what they were saying so I quickly left the mirror in the bathroom for the tv instead and turned the volume up. It was a Gaelic program on ITV1 called Air a Bhórd (or On the Table) and is a food show, talking about everything relating to food and foods around the world. But what I noticed was at first, the hot springs (that gave me the first clue) next, a very distinct looking waterfall (clue number two turned out to be Gullfoss) and then the third and final clue and I had my answer, a very nice view over the down town of Reykjavik. Yes, I was home, mmmmmmm .... soory was miles away there. They were interviewing an Icelandic chef, Stefán Úlfarsson, and he was showing them how he made this and that kind of fish and they quite liked what they were experiencing. They showed a lot of landscape and also pictures from the pubs in Reykjaviks center. I feel soooo homesick. I want to go home, I really do. I am going nuts waiting for the time table for the exams so that I can start planning my summer break. Get on with it guys. Although I truly think that they will not publish the time table until Monday, but I can still be frustrated.
PS! It has started to snow, if you can call it that. I see snowflakes but that's about it for now. Well, I am heading out into the "storm" (grins) and try to brave my way to Uni. Hope I won't get lost.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Varð að vera með

Í lífinu hef ég
(x ) drukkið áfengi (og það er að verða sífellt oftar)
( ) klesst bíl vinar/vinkonu
( ) stolið bíl (foreldranna)
( ) verið ástfangin
( ) verið sagt upp af kærasta/kærustu
( ) faðmað einhvern ókunnugan
( ) verið rekin/n
( ) lent í slagsmálum
( ) læðst út meðan þú bjóst ennþá heima hjá foreldrunum
( ) haft tilfinningar til einhvers sem endurgalt þær ekki
( ) verið handtekin/n
( ) farið á blint stefnumót
( ) logið að vini/vinkonu (er nokkuð viss um að hafa alltaf verið þæg og góð við vinkonur mínar)
(x) skrópað í skólanum (jú, peer pressure, Claire neitaði að fara í conversation classes í Gelísku og dró mig með á pubbinn)
( ) horft á einhvern deyja
( ) farið til Canada
( ) farið til Mexico
(x) ferðast í flugvél (þó nokkuð oft)
( ) kveikt í þér viljandi
( ) borðað sushi
( ) farið á sjóskíði
( ) farið á skíði
( ) hitt einhvern sem þú kynntist á internetinu
(x) farið á tónleika
(x) tekið verkjalyf
(x) elskar einhvern eða saknar einhvers akkurat núna
(x) legið á bakinu úti og horft á skýin
(x) búið til snjóengil
(x) haldið kaffiboð
(x) flogið flugdreka
(x) byggt sandkastala
(x) hoppað í pollum
(x) farið í "tískuleik" (dress up)
(x) rennt þér á sleða
(x) grátið svo mikið að þér finnst þú aldrei ætla að hætta
(x) svindlað í leik (man samt ekki eftir því, en ef ég þekki mig rétt þá hlýtur það að hafa verið einhvern tíman)
(x) verið einmana
( ) sofnað í vinnunni/skólanum
( ) notað falsað skilríki
(x) fundið jarðskjálfta
( ) sofið undir berum himni
(x) verið kitluð/kitlaður
(x) verið rænd/rændur
(x) verið misskilin/n (daglega)
( ) klappað hreindýri/geit/kengúru
( ) farið yfir á rauðu ljósi/virt stöðvunaskyldu að vettugi
( ) verið rekin/n eða vísað úr skóla
( ) lent í bílslysi
( ) verið með spangir/góm
(x) liðið eins og þú passaðir ekki inn í/þriðja hjól undir vagni
( ) borðað líter af ís á einu kvöldi
(x) fengið deja vu
( ) dansað í tunglskininu
( ) fundist þú líta vel út
( ) verið vitni að glæp
(x) efast um að hjartað segði þér rétt til
( ) verið gagntekin/n af post-it miðum
( ) leikið þér berfætt/ur í drullunni
( ) verið týnd/ur
( ) fundist þú vera að deyja
(x) grátið þig í svefn
(x) farið í löggu og bófa leik
(x) litað nýlega með vaxlitum
( ) sungið í karaókí
(x) borgað fyrir máltíð eingöngu með smápeningum
( ) gert eitthvað sem þú lofaðir sjálfri/sjálfum þér að gera ekki
( ) hringt símahrekk
(x) hlegið þannig að gosið frussaðist út um nefið á þér
(x) stungið út tungunni til að ná snjókorni
(x) dansað í rigningunni
(x ) skrifað bréf til jólasveinsins
( ) verið kysst/ur undir mistilteini
(x) horft á sólarupprásina með einhverjum sem þér þykir vænt um
(x) blásið sápukúlur
( ) kveikt bál á ströndinni
(x) komið óboðin/n í partý..
( ) verið beðin/n um að yfirgefa partýið sem þú komst óboðin/n í
(x) farið á rúlluskauta/línuskauta
(x) hefur einhver óska þinna ræst
( ) farið í fallhlífastökk
( ) hefur einhver haldið óvænt boð fyrir þig

Fékk þetta af síðu hjá vinkonu minni og varð að vera með. Ég kemst ekki með tærnar þar sem hún er með hælana í hvað hún hefur áorkað í lífinu en ég varð að setja mitt framlag hérna.