Sunday, July 31, 2005

My niece inviting me into her house at the sumarb�sta� my brother and family were staying at in the heat. It was an incredible day. Had to share it with you guys. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I made it. I did it. I got an e-mail from my head of department yesterday ... finally. And he told me that there was a letter on the way but he also told me the context of it. I MADE IT! I got into Single Honors in Celtic, so I have 2 more years left in Uni. Where I will be learning early Irish and medieval Welsh among other very interesting subject. Claire and Joanne and Sharon, girls we are on our way to stardom. Well weird-dom at least, since these medievalists are always quite eccentric and fun to watch.
Yesterday was a great day for me I guess. After getting these wonderful news we, mom, dad, my grandmother and I went for a drive to visit my brother and his family where they were staying for a week at a summerhouse (sumarbústað) near Laugarvatn. When we got there the temperature read 36°c and it was scorching. There was no need to grill anything today, I was already well done. So we went to Hotel Geysir in Haukadal and got incredible good food, with a great view over the geysers erupting. It was amazing, because of the weather and heat, and the sun. But on our way to Selfoss we got caught in fog, but we made it all the way to Hveragerði where we stopped in Eden to get some coffee and final stretch before we went home. In the hills above Hveragerði there was such a thick fog that we were hardly able to follow the road, but as soon as we got to the top the sun was blistering bright and rather difficult to drive because it was eye level with the drivers. But we made it and the sun kept on shining for a while more. But it was the best day we have had for quite some time.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I am going nuts, completely. Friday, my mom calls me at work and lets me know that there is a letter from the Univeristy waiting for me. I was soooo pleased, finally the letter I was waiting for had arrived. It was still six hours until I got home, but I made it through the day, even though my friend Kristín volunteered to take me home during coffee break so I could find out what the letter said. She was just as curious. But when I arrived home and after eating dinner I finially opened the letter. Biggest disapointment for months. I am soo mad at them. This was not the letter I was expecting but a letter informing me about changes in payment of tuition fees, something I have known for months. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg! I soooo wanted to smash someones face in (and if that person ever reads this blog will know who he is). Why the bloody hell can't the darn department send out the letters. I am going nuts waiting. This letter has some sigificance for me, if it didn't I wouldn't be acting like this. But I am just soo mad right now.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Just a little note

As far as I know, and I am very thankful for it, none of my friends or anyone I know were in London on Thursday when the bombing took place. It was quite horrific to see this and watch just as I left for work. Throughout the day we sought news on the website and from people wandering through the workplace. In London there are more than 2000 Icelanders that live and work there. My heart goes out to all in London!
Here in Iceland everything is just normal, boringly so, although many would probably give everything to have that right now. It has been raining for I don't know any longer how many days, but it is getting a bit tiresome. It has also been quite windy and almost like fall/autumn (Whatever!). But I have had a good week and a good weekend. The plus side of the rain is that my allergies aren't bothering me as much right now. :)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

War of the Worlds

Why do Americans alway have to destroy a good thing. The book War of the Worlds is a literary genius considering when it was written. As a blockbuster movie today, it is CRAP. It is pointless! It came across as nothing more substantial than Americans in a marathon competition.

Why do these VERY INTELLIGENT aliens plant something like these tripods MILLIONS of years ago, to come bothering earth now. Why not stone age? And if these VERY INTELLIGENT aliens had been studying us for MILLIONS of years why did they never find out about a thing called micro organism. And what was it with this pointless invasion as well. Spewing blood everywhere, for what purpose, was this suposed to be disgusting.
And funny how Americans try to convey themselves as INTELLIGENT with making this movie with Americans starring in a not so glorious roles. The best view of the Americans in the film was from behind. Run for your lives. Before the movie was halfway through I felt like slapping all Americans. "Yeah, why don't we just stand around and be easy target for them aliens, we are Americans and have to have a front row seat to die! It is our right, our American dream!" And the kid, "Dad, I wanna fight, I wanna fight, I wanna fight." "Yeah, go ahead and get your self killed, what do I care!" Stupid!
Oh, yeah, and if anyone cried over this film, it was probably of boredom or relief that it was finally over when the film ended.
This is nothing but Americans trying to glorify the use of biological weapons ... just, see how a micro organism destroyed those mean bad machines from outer space. This is why it is ok for ust to do the same with those mean bad people that hate us, because we are Americans and stand for justice and truth.
Americans! The reason they hate you is because of crappy films like this. Get over yourself, you are not the most perfect "democracy" in the world, and I use the term lightly.
AAAAAAAAhhh, I wan't my money back!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Weather in Iceland

+15°C / 59°F
This is as warm as it gets in Iceland, so we'll start here.
People in Spain wear winter-coats and gloves.
The Icelanders are out in the sun, getting a tan.
+10°C / 50°F
The French are trying in vain to start their central heating.
The Icelanders plant flowers in their gardens.
+5°C / 41°F
Italian cars won't start.
The Icelanders are cruising in Saab cabriolets.
0°C / 32°F
Distilled water freezes.
The water in Hvita river gets a little thicker.
-5°C / 23°F
People in California almost freeze to death.
The Icelanders have their final barbecue before winter.
-10°C / 14°F
The Brits start the heat in their houses.
The Icelanders start using long sleeves.
-20°C / -4°F
The Aussies flee from Mallorca.
The Icelanders end their Midsummer celebrations. Autumn is here.
-30°C / -22°F
People in Greece die from the cold and disappear from the face of the earth.
The Icelanders start drying their laundry indoors.
-40°C / -40°F
Paris start cracking in the cold.
The Icelanders stand in line at the hotdog stands.
-50°C / -58°F
Polar bears start evacuating the North Pole.
The Icelanders navy postpones their winter survival training awaiting real winter weather.
-60°C / -76°F
Myvatn freezes.
The Icelanders rent a movie and stay indoors.
-70°C / -94°F
Santa moves south.
The Icelanders get frustrated since they can't store their Brennavinn outdoors.
The Icelanders navy goes out on winter survival training.
-183°C / -297.4°F
Microbes in food don't survive.
The Icelandic cows complain that the farmers' hands are cold.
-273°C / -459.4°F
ALL atom-based movement halts.
The Icelanders start saying "it's cold outside today."
-300°C / -508°F
Hell freezes over,
Iceland wins the Eurovision Song Contest.

Impatience is a virtue

At least the way I see it. I have been biting my nails to the quick worrying about my grades and honors and all the stuff that goes with it. I finally cracked today and wrote to my head of department asking if by some chance my letter had gotten lost on the way here from Germany with too little payed for safe delivery before the next millenium. But no, he told me that they hadn't still sent them out, they had meant to but hadn't, and he hoped that they would do it this week. This is very relaxing news, very calming, especially if you know my department you know that this is good news. Because this department is very un-organized and just getting the news that they are thinking about you, is very heartwarming. It will reach me sometimes in the near future. When that is, I have no idea but I do know that it is closer than the next millennium.
So back to crossing my fingers and leaving my nails alone.