Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Vulcan Man

'Tuvok, I understand
you are a Vulcan man,
You have just gone without
for seven years about.

Paris, please find a way
to load a hypospray,
I will give you the sign
just aim for his behind.

Hormones are raging
synopses blazing,
it's all so ... very illogical

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking for a new car???!!!

I got just the one! I wonder if they are going to try to put this one on market back home in Iceland?
Ford Kuga

Pronounced 'Kooga' or more importantly in Icelandic orthography 'Kúka'!!!!
I wonder if it comes in brown?
Die laughing!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I just put in some new photos. Both from when Hrabba came over to help me move and then from an Orchid fair that I went to today.

Aside from that not much is going on here. I have been taking it rather easy these last few days, mostly because I still haven't seen Thomas so I don't know what I am doing or where I will be taking things from here. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable in my room, although I ended up turning my sleeping arrangements competely around so that my feet are now where my head should be. It works and I feel that I rest a lot more comfortably like that too.

Catriona went home over the weekend so I am all alone here and was too much of an idiot to contact Sharon and see if she had some time to spare. But since her daughter has been feeling a bit poorly and she herself has been battling a cold I rather doubt it. Although I hope to see her sooner rather than later. I will be seeing Catriona tomorrow though, at least I hope so, becuase we are planning on doing some Old Irish study before class on Tuesday. I am also going to finally be seeing Thomas tomorrow so that should be fun. At least then I will feel like I can start doing something sensible.

Stay tuned for more adventures of Elin

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Subway the way of the student

Ooo it was obvious that the Subway on Byres Road is run by asians. When I entered the establishment to purchase some student substenance I was greated with blasting Bollywood music. And how lame is this, I knew the song!!! It was the title song from the film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Something is about to happen) and of course I started humming and nodding along to the tune. And no Þurý, you don't have to worry I made a spectacle of myself, there were no shoulder movements accompanying the humming... at least I don't think so! But it was fun, and the subway sandwich was very tasty.

Before I made my way to the Subway though I went into Uni to attend a seminar lecture in the English medieval language department. Alistair McLennan who was my tutor last year was giving a lecture on the ghost of Skarphéðinn Njálsson in Njáls saga, called 'Ghoul, Interrupted: Society and the Undead in Njáls saga'. It was hilarious and fun, but also informative and interesting. For the last three years he has been working on his definitve work on ghosts and monsters in Icelandic medieval literature. Very exciting stuff I really want to read it when he finishes.
There was also a talk about verbal phrases, but that wasn't as interesting. In fact it was quite boring. It was basically about a woman who needs a life. She had spent I don't know how many hours comparing and searching through the letters B and G of verbal phrases and how three compilers of dictionaries regarded the phrases. This was confined to the later modern English period of 1750 - ?, the work she used was Samuel Johnsons first English dictionary, Websters American English dictionary and the first edition of Oxford English Dictionary (OED). And yes, this sounds as exciting as comparing three phonebooks between years and see who changed their number!!!
But I might be going to the next one, it's on the Canterbury Tales, and although I am not a fan, it's medieval and that's enough for me, depending on if I can wheedle Catriona with me.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I am unique!!!!

Thihihi, my University just gave me an e-mail alias because of my post-grad phd status. Instead of being I am, but the joke is that my account name is e.eyjolfsdottir.1@..., and they say expressely that the number in my name is to differentiate me and make my name more unique in the e-mail world of Glasgow University. I must say I find that hillarious, I don't think they have come accross my name before since I am numero uno.

In other news today, I managed to become a saint in the eyes of a friend of mine, and no not the one who is actually actively writing my saint's life as we speak, but another one. My dear dear friend who flew all the way to Glasgow to help me move. When she was here she fell in love with a lovely green dress, but was trying to be practical and bought a serviceable black dress instead and left the green one behind. Well, she regretted her decision, but cursed and fated she decided to buy it online instead, and luckily the dress had just gone on sale!!! For some reason the transaction never cleared so as soon as I came back to Glasgow I was sent on a mission to purchase the dress in store. Although I didn't really know of this course of action (and neither did she) until Monday. I had made plans with Catriona for Tuesday so I couldn't go yesterday, but managed to go into city centre today and guess what? I am brilliant. I managed to get my hands on the last dress in the right size in the store!!! Whoohooo and at a bargain price as well. My friend is very happy now, although I have her dress heheheh, but I think she know it is safe in my hands.

I am currently getting more comfortable here in my wee room. I have done a few minor changes from when I first shoved my things in here. I fully expect there to be some more changes going on in the near future. My little home is still forming, but it is getting warmer by the day. The boiler has been broken, and is currently on constantly now to get us some heat because he will go on and off randomly, but this means we have some heat which we didn't have when I first got back. Which meant a very cold first night, I am talking pajama bottoms and socks and a blanket!!! This room is a bit bigger than the ones I have been staying in and therefore my little radiator isn't powerful enough to manage to heat it completely if it is very cold outside. That is also the reason I went to IKEA yesterday with Catriona, but that was to buy a thicker duvet for my bed, and I imagine I will sleep well tonight in my warm bed in my very warm room right now. The reason for the room being so much colder, is because there is an extension on it that only applies to my room, and so there is no extension on the room below me in the block, so there is basically nothing below the floor, hence cold floor and cold in general. Then of course the multitudes of windows do not help either, but I still love me room and while I am armed with blankets and socks I am not complaining!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Phd .... what am I getting myself into?

Where did the time go? It seems such a short time ago since I started my first year at Glasgow Uni and now ... dududrudu Phd! And I have no idea what I am getting myself into. Thank God I still have Catriona to lean on for sanity, although I might drive her towards the loony end of sanity. I have yet to meet my professor so I still don't know what they expect of me this year. But I already have homework to do. But that is self-imposed homework. I decided to take more Old Irish courses ... yes, I am a sucker for punishment some would say.
However, it is debateable whether this is the best or worst time possible to be starting a phd. With the krona as weak as it is, it is disturbing to be in Great Britain.

I am so poor I can't even fart as to prevent my underwear to wear out too quick!!!!

But I am still determined to enjoy the time and just learn to live frugally ... very, very frugally. I should be able to do it, I watched Sandra do it last year. I miss her! There was definitely something missing when coming back. I think Catriona and I are thinking of trying to enlist some of our friends to join us in Phd-land support group!