Saturday, April 29, 2006


appropriate hehehe. I finished my exams yesterday and I am so relieved right now, although it still hasn't sunk in yet, that I don't have to start studying for my next exam now. Árdís and I went out celebrating the end of the year and end of exams and we had a very very nice time out. Árdís was even so nice to treat me to dinner, thanks a bunch, Árdís oooo and I almost forgot, she gave me a wonderful exam-finished gift yesterday when I came home. Baking parchment and a toilet roll, everything necessary for a busy student (grins) and also "Scottish wit and wisdom" book for a chance to make me more scottish. Must say I can hardly understand half of what it says in there (and it still comes with explanations ahahhaha). She also gave me Good Food Magazine, the 101 collection of recipies (I think she is hoping I will feed her next year). It was great. But last night we went out to TGI Fridays, what is more appropriate than that and had a wonderful dinnar, I am still stuffed. Then we headed over for the cinema where we went to see She's the Man, which is actually a brilliant remake of the 80s film One of the Boys (sort of) and it was so much fun. And it wasn't just girls at the film but guys as well, and it was so noticeable when just the girls laughed or the guys or when we all laughed together, it was a great film. Good for both sexes.
I am now heading into the city center to do my final last minute shopping before heading home to tidy my very untidy room and clean everything and pack my suitcaseS to go HOME.
My friends in Glasgow, have a very very enjoyable summer (even though some of you have to slave over your dissertation essays) and I hope to see you next year and have a great time.
My friends and my family in Iceland, I look foward to seeing and hearing from you tomorrow and in the next few days. The girl is coming home!

ps. can YOU crack the code?


Anonymous said...

Ég held að ég sé með þetta en það er eitthvað bull í byrjun, gæti verið að það vanti staf inní Þetta er alla vega mín lausn:

Elin Ingibjorg said...

Já, þú misstir bara af tveim í byrjun sem höfðu ekki verið bold-aðir (voru samt italisised), svo gleymdust tveir stafir hjá þér, annars var þetta bara ansi gott hjá þér.