Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm home!

Oh, it is soooo gooood to be home again. Can't wait to go to sleep in my own bed again, because I am dead tired. When I came home Iceland was covered with snow. Beautiful to see from the airplane but not so nice when you had to drive through it, with cars zig-zagging in front of you, splashing the windscreen with slush. But we made it home in one piece. +
I am writing this blog on my mom's computer because mine is at my brother's. He is transferring all of my data from my old computer over to my new one. So I feel sort of alone right now. I sort of don't really know what to do, I want to start studying, because I have become so used to being studying all the time that I don't know how to do anything else anymore. But I really should also learn to take a well deserved break for a while now. I will still have enough time to study for my exams.
I am also trying to get used to my new glasses, there are still a few kinks I have to work out about them. I have to take them in for fine tuning soon, because they sit quite low on my nose, so that it irritates me and later in the day I get tired wearing them, because they sit to tight at my right temple. So right now I am sitting in my room with my sunglasses on because they don't hurt. It sounds so crazy writing about wearing sunglasses when it is snowing outside, but sometimes it is necessary.
Anyways, am thrilled to be back home. Hope I get the chance to see as many as possible and managed to study hard as well.

Monday, March 12, 2007

My exam timetable

It is finally here and it is a good one.

Medieval Welsh literature in translation - Tuesday 10.April, 9:30 - 11:30 in Hunter Hall East

Advanced Early Gaelic texts - Friday 13.April, 9:30 - 11:30 in Hunter Hall West

Medieval Welsh texts: Poetry - Monday 15.April 9:30 - 11:30 in The Bute Hall

Introduction to Medieval Welsh - Wednesday 18.April 9:30 - 11:30 in Hunter Hall West

What an irony it is that the exam I am most dreading is on the Friday 13th, but I am hoping that becuase it also happens to be my dads birthday that it will counter every bad thing ever said about this day. But this also means that I will be extra early home this year!!! I can't wait.

Breathing again

I almost feel like I am able to breath again. This past week has just been getting weirder and weirder, but finally I am seeing for the end of it. I must stay, I am so thankful for having friends here in Glasgow, I don't know how I would have been yesterday if it hadn't been for my friend Árdísi. We had gone for a walk to Byres road for just a short shopping. On the way we had a bit of rain so when we reached Subway I was trying to wipe my glasses ... and they broke. I was blind. If she hadn't been there I would probably have sat down on the middle of the floor and howled. We managed to walk back home, she had to almost guide me across streets, because I wasn't too sure about up's and down's and un-evens, but we made it. Because I couldnt' see anything I couldn't find my spare glasses at my flat. But I obviuosly needed new glasses or at least try to get these ones fixed so I headed into the city center and luckyly Árdís came with me. They couldn't fix my glasses so I needed to have a new pair made. So I ended up being blind for up to four hours, and boy does it hurt. Thankfully, when I had picked out glasses and frames it only took just over half an hour to have them made so I just took a nap in the store because my eyes and head were hurting something bad at that stage. So now I have new specs, kind of cool, but I am still getting used to them, and I will probably try to have my old pair repaired. The company is still making them and they have a lifetime guarantee on them so it should be possible.
So you can probably guess that at that stage I was stressed and panicked out of my head, because I had only intended for an hour break from study yesterday and then this happened. So I had to rush home and finish two essays and my M.Litt application form and organize to do all sorts of things for the next few days, because I am coming home on Friday.
Boy am I rambling, you should all get a degree if you have understood a thing I have just written down.
But today, everything has been going according to plan. I did my laundry, made inquiries about my accommodations offer for next year, printed out my last essay, walked to Uni, handed in 1 homework and 2 essays, went to get my transcripts from the previous years to hand in with my applicaiton for M.Litt next year, did that, returned my library books and then headed into the cinty center.
Finally then am I getting my bearings and starting to de-stress a bit. Now the fun stuff begins, as in exams period.

Friday, March 09, 2007


How the hell am I supposed to be able to write a conclusion for an essay, that I don't even understand. I don't even know how I managed to write the crap I did. I won't promise that it makes any sense, but I just so want this to be over. It is supposed to be 2000 words plus, that is not the problem. I reached 2000 words no biggie, but not going over 3000 is going to be. If I start one subject, I feel I can write a book about it, or at least more than I need and want in my essay, and if I leave stuff out I just feel that the essay isn't long enough. Arrrgh! This is hairpullingly frustrating. Ah ha! I am such a sad person, now I am inovating and using rhetoric, but writing about it is crap. Sometimes it is no fun being a nerd.

But I shouldn't be fealing like this. I am going home in a week and I just got a new computer. I named her Delline, which I think is just right. My little baby. As some of you might guess it is a Dell computer and all cute and cuddly. See, this is my idea of a pet. I don't need a dog or a cat. When I am an old lady I will be the one across the street with all those weird gadgets and not the one with the collection of cats.

Anway, I should get back to my essay, I promised myself I would try to finish the essay tonight so that I could try to finish some of the other stuff I have lying about waiting for my attention. Also I am thinking of staying up late to watch two episodes of the old Star Trek episodes. They are hilarious .... in a sort of sad way.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Tell me my fortune

Sometimes you can't help but go over your horscope. Most of the time it is complete crap, but this time it was just brilliant. Now I am going to do my damndest to translate it into english; because this should be shared with as many as possible. Taken from Morgunblaðið, March 5th 2007.
Gemini (21.may - 20.june)
'You have been spending quite a lot of money recently.
But if you had bought everything you wanted
and done everything you wished to do,
you would have spent a lot more.
So, in fact, you come out richer!'
Soemthing like that anyway.
Here is the Icelandic version:
Tvíburi (21. maí - 20. júní)
'Þú hefur verið svolítil eyðslukló nýverið.
En ef þú hefðir eytt í allt sem þig langaði til að kaupa
eða gera hefðir þú eytt miklu meira.
Þannig að í raun kemur þú út í plús!.
How can you argue with such logic.
So no matter what I buy, because I always want to buy more than I do, I should not feel bad for spending all that money, because I will always be better off anyway. That works for me.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Maybe there is no wonder why I am a bachelorette

The funny thing is that a while ago a friend of mine hoodwinked me into joining a blog-group of single women. It must be said that the blog is not working terribly well, as no one has written anything there for months. Now, I thought me being a bachelorette was because I am just too preoccupied with myself and my studying, last night I got a strange feeling it is not just that. My friend Árdís and I, went to a party last night hosted at the Central Service building for those living at Queen Margaret Halls and Winton Drive. It was quite good, and at the bar you got two drinks for the price of one. Not bad at all.
A small joke in Icelandic following; Árdís þurfti náttúrulega að reyna að vera fyndin og sagði að af því að ég væri búin með tvo Smirnoff Ice-a þá gæti ég sagt öllum að ég hefði dottið í það. Hún er alltaf að gera gys að mér að ég drekk ekki nóg, eða allavegana ekki mikið.
Anyways, back to english. My friend ran out of cigaretts so, because I am such a kind person decided to take a walk with her to the corner 24h shop on Byres road. On they way there I was moaning about the fact that I really wanted a new computer. I actually need a new computer, but it was all about delivery time, if I ordered a new one on the internet it would take 10 working days for it to be delivered and I will be leaving before that, therefor not a good option, so I didn't want to take the chance. Well the conversation faded away into something else. And on the way back she was telling me about a new guy her friend had in her sights, good for her. But, I, at apparently not the right moment burst out saying; 'but I really really want a new computer!'
My friend had a laughing fit over the fact that while she was discussing guys, I was obsessing about a computer. So maybe, there is a reason why I am still a bachelorette. I just hope that there is some hope for me, and that when I finally get my new computer will maybe look more around about me and see if any cute guy is sitting near me with a fancy computer too.
What a nerd!