Monday, August 23, 2004


www. This is truly a spectacular newspaper, that you can also access on the internet. It is distrubted free in Iceland but since I will be going to Scotland soon enough it is nice to know that I can still read it from afar. The writers for the paper are intellingent and witty (not that common at once) with a magic pen in hand. And the best thing is ... it is all in english, so everyone who has interest in Iceland but doesn't want to brave the icelandic newspapers this is the newspaper/website to look at. The latest edition Issue 6 is one of the best so far, but only because of two very very good and funny articles, titled; There is No Ham in Hamburger and The Politness of Icelanders. Check this out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

LoonyElín Back in action - I got bugged

Hey there, my fellows on the web. I got bugged so my website was a bit down in the dumps the last week. Am starting again now, some of the updates are missing but will be added again soon. There has so much been going on that I hardly know where to start.
My grandmother was 85 last friday, thank you, thank you, and she took us on Saturday to a very very nice resturant at Hotel Geysir í Haukadal. And yes, if you know your geology you know what geysir stands for = hot springs. It was wonderful, and the weather couldn't have been better reached almost 30°c where we were. I will post some photos from the trip later.
But then tragedy struck, yess, my faithful tv for 10 years died. And of course I couldn't survive more than a day and a half before I was going crazy so my mother, my brother and I went shopping for one on monday, and now I am the proud owner of a brand new Phillips flat-screen tv. Nice one eh!

Friday, August 06, 2004


Is it possible to be too multilingual. I am afraid so, everytime I fling a sentence at my friends they never know what it is or how to take it. Usually you combine a couple of words or prhases from other language you and your friends know, but when you know languages your friends and family don't it complicates things. And most important of all, YOU CAN'T SHOW OFF, because they have no idea if what you are babbling is even correct or makes any sense at all.
My problem is I can speak fluently Icelandic (I should hope) and English (getting there every minute) and then I can read and write in Danish, French and German. I can also understand Norwegian, Spanish. I am currently studying Scottish Gaelic at the University of Glasgow and now my favorite hobby is studying Hindi. My friends Dinesh and Hamza (and wee Raj, have too include him as well), they introduced me to Bollywood movies and I fell head over heels. I know have seven and I love them to pieces.
Oh, and the reason I haven't written in many many days is because I have been so busy I haven't been able to call one minute my own. Hope it will not bee this long until next time.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Back to work

The Verslunarmannahelgin is finally over, which is not a good thing. I really liked sleeping late and it was an added bonus that all the stores were closed as well over the weekend, although some were open on Saturday, but none of them were very interesting. But this meant that I could stay home and not having to go shopping and spend money, and I know those that know me will find this very peculiar indeed, since shopping and I go hand in hand.
I met with my good friends Margrét and Guðbjört on Saturday evening at when we had gotten the latest gossip off our chests we watched a few episodes of "Chewin' the fat" which are very cool scottish sketch shows.
On Sunday I went to my friends Hrafnhildur's house, since we were both showing withdrawl-syndrome from one another having spent a week together in Glasgow and not having seen each other since we got home.
And last but not least, my brother and his family invited us to a BBQ, Monday night, (with his very new Broil-King grill which he is very proud of) and it was D.E.L.I.S.I.O.U.S. !!!! (he got four !'s for it, not just three). Thanks a lot dear bro.