Friday, March 03, 2006

Sometimes insomnia is ok

Well I don't have insomnia but I had a hard time going to sleep last night. Might be due to the fact that I fell asleep for two hours during the day, which is not normal for me. But anyway, I was ready for bed, but still in the bathroom when I glanced at the tv, and saw something I had not been expecting. I did not hear what they were saying so I quickly left the mirror in the bathroom for the tv instead and turned the volume up. It was a Gaelic program on ITV1 called Air a Bhórd (or On the Table) and is a food show, talking about everything relating to food and foods around the world. But what I noticed was at first, the hot springs (that gave me the first clue) next, a very distinct looking waterfall (clue number two turned out to be Gullfoss) and then the third and final clue and I had my answer, a very nice view over the down town of Reykjavik. Yes, I was home, mmmmmmm .... soory was miles away there. They were interviewing an Icelandic chef, Stefán Úlfarsson, and he was showing them how he made this and that kind of fish and they quite liked what they were experiencing. They showed a lot of landscape and also pictures from the pubs in Reykjaviks center. I feel soooo homesick. I want to go home, I really do. I am going nuts waiting for the time table for the exams so that I can start planning my summer break. Get on with it guys. Although I truly think that they will not publish the time table until Monday, but I can still be frustrated.
PS! It has started to snow, if you can call it that. I see snowflakes but that's about it for now. Well, I am heading out into the "storm" (grins) and try to brave my way to Uni. Hope I won't get lost.

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