Friday, March 31, 2006


I would never have thought in a million years, that I would label myself in this way or any other for that matter. I am just me. But I allowed my good friend Guðný Stellu to talk me into joining the girls of the Bachelorette page ( Dear God, I have no idea what to write about there, but we will see how it works out.
Well among things I can think about that a Bachelorette would ponder would be guys. So when we was riding home in a taxi today I started wondering and looking around me. Now, I must say, for me, it is not the easiest choice to make. I am very picky when it comes to guys. I like them, tall, rugged, manly ... basically I go for the caveman everytime. The meterosexual guy just isn't doing anything for me or my imagination. I just really don't fancy a guy who thinks more on how he looks than I do. I want him to be neat, (smell nice, and definitely not reak of sweat from the moment he moves in the morning) but other than that I will take whatever. Bodily sounds should be included so that you know he is working right, a brain (and braincells at work) and just for extra measure, a killer stupid humor (to fit into the group) and a naughty twinkle in his eyes. hmmm. Oh, and don't forget a voice that would make you melt and a hillarious laugh, no sizzie laughter but a real bellyshaking, face-splitting, tear-down the cheek laughter. Rrrooowwwwrrrr. Ooo, must stop or my imagination is going to go into overdrive, I should be studying so no time for imagination. Unless it is about a very sexy teacher and .... mmm. STOP!

1 comment:

G-Doc said...

nákvæmlega svona hluti skaltu setja á síðuna!