Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pre-boarding shit annoys me

I woke up at four to go to the airport this morning. Wasn't in a very chippy mood since I didn't get much sleep. I am lucky if I got two and a half. My last night at home, and I couldn't fall asleep. But the trip to the airport was fine, said goodbye to mom and dad at the security gate and went wandering around the maze of the new and "soon to be improved" airport to do some last minute shopping before leaving the country. I arrived at the gate on time, they said on the card Boarding at 6:50 am, fine with my, but no, not with them. I managed to get my ass there on time, why should I have to wait. The plane was there, two other passangers were there but the crew was a no-show. Had to wait for a bit longer for them to show up. Then when I finally thought I would be seeing my seat, no, they let you in, but only so far. They have a very nice word for it to, "we are only pre-boarding". Can someone explain that to me, I was nowhere near the airplane, how in hell could I be pre-boarding anything. I was just standing there in a hallway, looking at the behind of an American fat guy, and listening to other American fat people bonding. - Oh, hey were are you hailing from? - Well we come from this small shitty place somewhere in the middle. - No kidding, I knew a guy there a couple of years ago, ever heard of him? Hmm, love bright people. I think it would have to be a really small shitty place in America that anyone would know anyone there.
And what is with the hair-dos of the American women. They have horrible hair. It is hardly possible to describe it. It's not feminine, it's not masculine, it isn't even uni-sex. A blind man would cringe at the way they do their hair. And what is it with American men, they can't travel anywhere without taking their cowboy hat with them. Hmm, why not just a sign that screams AMERICAN WITH NO STYLE.
Ok, done with ranting at Americans, not gonna be bothered with them until I return home I guess. So hey, they get a month break. I am back in Glasgow and I survived, dead tired and hungry, but intact. Good night!

1 comment:

G-Doc said...

svona svona
a við elínu