Saturday, January 07, 2006

I don't want to go!

I have been home for four weeks and a day now. I leave tomorrow. I still haven't managed to do everything I feel I needed to do. Mostly because there was no option to do them before Christmas and New Year. But after that there was only a week before I would leave Iceland. And everything I needed to do then just was too much. Yesterday I counted the days I have spent at home vegging about and there were only three days out of these four weeks that I have been home, but still I did not veg-out during those days. It was Christmas Eve, Christmas day and New Years Eve and all those days I was upside down doing something, helping mom with the cooking or playing with my niece or something, so no vegging. All other days I have been shopping for groceries or Christmas presents with mom (and dad or other family members) or I have been visiting friends, family, co-workers. I am one busy lady. So, even though I will probably have a good time chilling out when I go to Glasgow, I will miss not being so busy and running to and fro things to do and things to see. I still have managed to do a great deal. Yesterday, even though everything else I have been doing I managed to do some baking. Made some Skinkuhorn in my nice new bread-maker and they were delicious. I made my friend Hrafnhildi very proud of me.
But reality will set in on Monday, when I have to turn up at Uni at elleven o'clock for sign-up to my new very exciting classes of Spring 2006. Belief and culture in Medieval Ireland and Gaelic Poetry (what was I thinking with that one) and I will also continue with my course from before Christmas in Introduction to Early Gaelic (Old Irish). The fun is over, get back to work, girl!

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