Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Yup, they are predicting a very severe weather here in Scotland, worse than the one that hit the British Isles on Friday, thank God on Monday it was actually possible to go outside without imitating Mary Poppins. The weather hasn't started quite yet, it's mainly bluster right now, but you can still see what is to come if this continues. I am seeing the trees in the yard in front of my window do a good immitation of a break-dance. It has also started to rain, which really isn't that much of a news since we are here in Scotland but I thought I should mention it to give full image to the picture.
Right now I am just being bored at home trying to study for my Gaelic exam on Thursday and praying that I will at least get a C (really praying, like for real). Also have a bit of a stomach upset and crazy head, running to the bathroom, well taking two steps actually it's not that far to go, and then to the bed to try to get my head leveled out and then to the chair to get my spine straight and try to put as much Gaelic vocabulary into my head and back to the bathroom.
So I guess you know where I am going after this.
Write to you later, got to run ...

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