Friday, January 07, 2005

Phenomenon ... duduruduru phenomenon

I heard this at the airport at home on my way here. There was this American woman who met someone she knew, and she was telling him all about how she loved Iceland and yadayadayada. She dragged him along with her into a Icelandica shop where she showed him a small dall of Skyr and she was decribing it is such details that I have never heard anything like it, and she finished her praising and admirational speech about Skyr with the words, "it's just phenomenon". I kinda have to agree with her on that, Skyr is great and I already miss it. I want Skyr. I wish Baugur and these guys would negotiate with the British government of being allowed to import Skyr and Súrmjólk and Icelandic water and lamb into Scotland (at least). And at least to the Iceland shop on Byres Road in Glasgow, I would like that very much.

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