Saturday, March 03, 2007

Maybe there is no wonder why I am a bachelorette

The funny thing is that a while ago a friend of mine hoodwinked me into joining a blog-group of single women. It must be said that the blog is not working terribly well, as no one has written anything there for months. Now, I thought me being a bachelorette was because I am just too preoccupied with myself and my studying, last night I got a strange feeling it is not just that. My friend Árdís and I, went to a party last night hosted at the Central Service building for those living at Queen Margaret Halls and Winton Drive. It was quite good, and at the bar you got two drinks for the price of one. Not bad at all.
A small joke in Icelandic following; Árdís þurfti náttúrulega að reyna að vera fyndin og sagði að af því að ég væri búin með tvo Smirnoff Ice-a þá gæti ég sagt öllum að ég hefði dottið í það. Hún er alltaf að gera gys að mér að ég drekk ekki nóg, eða allavegana ekki mikið.
Anyways, back to english. My friend ran out of cigaretts so, because I am such a kind person decided to take a walk with her to the corner 24h shop on Byres road. On they way there I was moaning about the fact that I really wanted a new computer. I actually need a new computer, but it was all about delivery time, if I ordered a new one on the internet it would take 10 working days for it to be delivered and I will be leaving before that, therefor not a good option, so I didn't want to take the chance. Well the conversation faded away into something else. And on the way back she was telling me about a new guy her friend had in her sights, good for her. But, I, at apparently not the right moment burst out saying; 'but I really really want a new computer!'
My friend had a laughing fit over the fact that while she was discussing guys, I was obsessing about a computer. So maybe, there is a reason why I am still a bachelorette. I just hope that there is some hope for me, and that when I finally get my new computer will maybe look more around about me and see if any cute guy is sitting near me with a fancy computer too.
What a nerd!

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