Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Showdown in the Park

Glasgow is truly a dangerous place. Today I was almost run over by a squirrel. I was walking through the Botanic Gardens on my way to Uni this morning, when I noticed a tiny squirrel running across the pathway in front of me. At first he ran into the direction of a guy that was walking just ahead of me, and he only stopped like barely two feet in front of the guy. The guy was startled and stopped for a second and then headed on but looked back where the squirrel was still standing watching after him with a strange look I can only guess. Then, I was next, I just kept on going, thinking that the squirrel would run away when I approached him, they usually do that. But nooooo, he ran straight at me. And then he stopped, just like with the guy only like few feet between us and he looked up at me with his teeth bared in a real mean kind of way. I was very thankful that he stopped and didn't run up my skirt, that would not have been funny for anyone other than those watching me. But it was scary, but I just looked down at the little pip-squeak and kept eye-contact with him until I had safely passed him. Showdown in the park at mid-morning. High drama and I escaped with my life intact. Brave girl! Went to school and had a nice day, and am not emotionally scarred by this experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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