Sunday, October 30, 2005

Queen of Homework

That's me. I truly have done myself proud. I have basically finished all five homework assignments that I have to hand in this week. Before Saturday I had already finished three although I left it until Sunday to finish them and printing them out. On Saturday, didn't do that much work, had already started on my fourth assignment a few days before and done well on Friday, so I let myself out for a while for food and fresh air. Árdís and I walked into the subwaystation and when we came into the city center she left me to go see some scary movie at the cinema and I started my Christmas shopping. When her movie was over we met up again and took a taxi home. Did some tiny work for my assignemt, but couldn't really focus on anything specific about it because I hadn't heard from the girl who is doing the same presentation so I was quite worried about a clash of subject. But I heard from her today (Sunday) and I got an epiphany and started writing and writing and finally I think I have down to a perfect .... or almost perfect presentation. Now I just have to tweak it about a bit and make a few notes to hand out in class and I am ready to go. I am in short, Brilliant!!! And it is not over yet, because I was on such a roll today, I even started on my fifth and last assignment for the week (I hope) and have almost finished it as well. I feel really good now about myself. The work may very well be rubbish but I did it and I did my best and you can not really ask for more in five days and five assignments.

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