Thursday, February 05, 2009

Keeping it short today

I almost slept in today. I meant to wake up at 9 and study before meeting Catriona and Claire up at Uni today. For some odd reason I woke up around 7 and was not ready to go study then so I went back to sleep. When the alarm went off at nine, I was not ready to get up, due to the interruption I had had during the night. So I meant to just doze for a few more minutes, not falling asleep per se. So I reached for my phone and as far as I know, I added the few minutes more I wanted to the alarm, but apparently I didn't confirm or something because I can't remember. Apparently I fell asleep like a log again. When I came too I thought those few minutes are taking an awfully long time to pass, so I grabbed the phone to check what time it was. It was 10.20!!! I got a mild shock. I was meeting the girls at 11. So I jumped up and got dressed in record time and was out the door at 10.29. It had been snowing and I didn't wear my brace today, so I got a taxi to drive me up Great George street so that I could return a book to the library as well as wait for the girls inside in the warmth. They came and found me and in we went to the Hub or what is now called the Fraser building. I think it is always going to be the Hub for us geriatrics at the Uni. Claire was very impressed but this was her first look at the new look. We remember it fondly from our first year and have missed it through our subsequent years. Finally we get to use it again and for the thing we love most ... eating! They will also move the John MacIntyre Bookshop in there so it's going to be an added incentive to climbing up the hill.
We had cake and had a long and good chat before Claire had to abandon us. I went with Catriona to the library, anything to postpone going home to study. But eventually reality set in and I went home, but not before sending off a wee care packet home to mom and dad. I sat and read Kim McCone's book Pagan Past and Christian Present from half past two - six, and now I only have one chapter left to go. Oh boy, will I be gald when that happens. It feels like I have been trapped in the Never Ending Story, it was so meaty.
Well not much more has been going on, but tomorrow is another story. Aside from going to Uni tomorrow, I and Catriona of course, we will be going to the Theatre Royale. We are going to see La Traviata by G. Verdi. I am soooooo looking forward to it, becasue I have been wanting to go to an opera for ages. The last time I went I was 9 years old and saw Hoffman's adventure, (Kristinn Sigmundsson was amzing in the role of the devil!) And I still remember it vividly. I can't wait. So hopefully I will have something more to tell tomorrow. G'night.

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