Friday, January 19, 2007

Detta mér nú allar dauðar lýs úr höfði

!Bara láta vita ég er ekki með lús!
This is going to be a rant about Americans, or at least a particular American. But not Bush. Probably someone related to him though.
Yesterday I woke up to Glasgow covered in snow. Nothing much in Glasgow, it faded quite quickly into slush But around Glasgow it a bit different and it made it difficult for a lot of people to reach Glasgow. A few days earlier during the evening it snowed a wee bit, but nothing that stuck. That didn't matter to the people outside my window who shrieked and shouted and stuck their tounges out to try to catch the snow. It was so funny to vitness this extreme reaction to snow.
But what I heard yesterday, breaks all records.
One of my classmates is from America and she was telling me about her flatmates reaction to the snow. Her flatmat is from the southern states and has never seen snow before. What she said shocked me, to say the least.
She said that they had been in the kitchen talking and that all of a sudden her friend had gone silent. She looked up to see her friend staring outside the window. My classmate then commented that it had started snowing and her friend looked at her and said; 'snowing, that's snow? I thought it was a volcano!'
How in Gods green earth is that the most rational conclusion to get to when seeing why flakes flutter by your window.
I think that it is obvious that this girl has been watching Volcano way too often and never seen The Day After Tomorrow.


Elin Ingibjorg said...

just for clarification about the spelling mistakes, I had had a few glasses of wine and I think I was showing the effect of it there.
Was actually thinking of using the wheelchair-gyu-helper with typing in the word verification for the comment. I must be sloshed.

Anonymous said...

Hvað er þetta ekki bara eins og ég með SKYR??? HUGS HUGS HUGS... Mikill reykur og svo HVAÐ ER ÞAÐ? BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA