Friday, February 03, 2006

Chances are

Everyone in Britain right now are talking about the Euro Million's Lotto Rollover, where the pot has gone up to 126thousand pounds. Not bad. But they are also talking about the chance to get it. Now this Lotto is sort of like the Víkingalotto we have back home, exept more contries are participating in this one than the one back home. So the chances of winning are something like 76thousand to 1. But I saw a loophole, they also mentioned that you have a better chance of being killed off by lighting or eaten by a great big white shark. The loophole I noticed was, that I can hardly credit that a white shark is going to swin all the way to Scotland up the Clyde river and travel to the West End to have a nibble at me, and since Scotland is also suffering through the worst draught in years, that there has not been one raindrop falling here the last two weeks, I actually do have quite a chance of winning the Lotto. The only problem is I didn't bother buying a ticket, so drat.

"The sick man of Europe"

I sometimes wonder what I was thinking, when I decided to come to Glasgow to live and study. All the time there are new reports about Scotland and Glasgow rolling through the news rooms. One, Scotland is known as "The sick man of Europe", two, Scotland is the most violent nation in the Wester developed world (they had to have the developed in there as well, otherwise they would never have beat America), three, the cancer rate is the highest in Scotland, four, the life expectancy is the lowest in Glasgow of all Britain, five, whenever a Scot invents something, someone else (mostly English) comes and steals it away and does it better, say for instance violence, do you know what a Glasgow kiss is? It is a headbutt, yes, greet a Glaswegian very carefully and at a good distance. Drinking, that is also something the Scots are very good at. Mostly alcoholic, not sure if they drink anything else execpt the national brew of Irn Bru, and that is probably laced with a bit of whiskey as well.
And then, this makes you wonder, why they still want to belong to the British Empire, the thing is Scots have to soo nice under the English crown. One fifth of Glaswegians are on welfare benefits, in Glasgow there are also the highest number of benefit frauds (how in heck did they figure that out, heh). If they declared their independence and didn't cling to the skirt of the Queen, they would loose an incredible amount of money, and that would mean that Scots would have to start taking care of themselves, and why should they, leave the problems to the ones that created them in the first place.
When Tony Blair decided to go to war with Iraq, people of muslin origin, from Pakistan and other asian countries who had diligently supported the Labour party woted instead for the Scottish National Party, all of a sudden they were more concerned to be rid of the English than the Scots. Strange turn of things if you ask me. I think there is a long way for Scots to go before the figure out what they want. But I don't think the way they are headed there will be much for them to do if they don't start waking people up to their surroundings.
To qoute Burns: "Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled," "get oot ur bed, and do something aboot it!"

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