Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Invasion of the Icelanders

Wow, a lot of things have been going on today. First, I was a really good girl yesterday and finished my essay, so I decided to take it easy today and not rush things. I knew my friend Árdís was expecting her friends to come visit for a few days, and we planned to go out to dinner tonight. But first things first. I had an appointment at a hair salon, where I got a cut and highlights, and now I look like a blond. Well, not really, but my hair is soo much lighter than I am used to that for me the feeling is I' BLONDE. But I like it, so I am not freaking out or anything.
Then, like I usually do when I take a time off from studying, you can find me in shops, and today was no different. I had some lunch and then headed for the shops, although I managed to restrain myself. I very nearly bought a top and a cardigan to go with, but decided not to on the last minute. Now, I think I will go back tomorrow to get the thing. Sometimes I can be such a gemini, never knowing which foot to put forward first.
I came home and soon I heard the rather boisterous voices of 3 females, and being as intelligent as I am knew that this had to be Árdís with her friends, safe and relatively sane in Glasgow. I went to say hi to them, and then we decided what to do tonight, and ended up going to Chow's (the best Chinese restaurant in the West End). Our flatmate Stephanie also mentioned to Árdís that it was her birthday today, and that she would be having a night out with friends at The Loft on Ashton Lane and asked us if we wanted to come as well. Of course we wanted to, Icelanders never say no to a party. Somewhere in all the chaos in my room I managed to find a birthday card so at least we had something to give her. Over dinner we suffered through our lack of German and managed to write a few not so accurate sentences of wishing Stephanie a happy birthday. We later appologised and blamed it all on Derrick, she found it hilarious.
When midnight struck I became Cinderella and ran off home in a taxi, although I didn't loose my shoe in the process (or anything else). I decided to head home early because my neck was killing me, after the hairwash I got at the salon today. Also because I am going back (yeah, can't get enough of being pampered, even though it hurts, grins) and getting a hair-do for tomorrows eveing of Þorrablót.
Anyway, I feel my brain slipping down my spine right now, so I should get on to bed, if I am going to make any sense tomorrow.
OOOh, and I nearly forgot, I got to try Opal today and I don't mean just any Opal, but the liquid alcaholic variety. One shot and it feels like you have chewed like a hundred Opals in one and then swallowed. Weird!

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