Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gleðileg jól

Merry Christmas.
Oh, boy, this has truly been a very busy time, but wonderful. I have managed to do a lot of things that I wasn't even sure I would be able to finish. But then Christmas Eve (day) came and everything slid into place.
Last night mom and I were busy wrapping up all the Christmas presents, and we didn't even finish until 3 am in the morning. I went to sleep shortly before 4 am but woke up to begin the new day of last minute tidying up before Christmas eve begins.
This year, only Grandma will be joining us, so it's only going to be the four of us. Which is nice. The food is cooking in the oven and on the stove and the smell is wonderful.
I still have not managed to get all the Christmas presents out, but that's ok, some of the presents have been waiting for more than a few months to reach their owner, because I still I haven't been able to see my wayward doctor friend, recently arrived in the country again from South America, and she has a birthday/Christmas present waiting for her.
The Christmas tree is up and gleaming with wonderful decorations and presents adorning is base. The advent lights around the appartment light up the dark midday and give a wonderful festive glow to everything around.
Oh, I just love this time of year. When you are able to sit down and get completely absorbed in the excitement, the anticipation, the STRESS and incredible calmness that descends on you at this moment on Christmas Eve you sort of feel like everything you went through to be able to bring the small joy of presents to your friends and family that everything was worth it. Bruised heels from drivers with carts going nuts around the bends in the tiny isles of the supermarket, sore toes from everyone trying to get past you, no matter that you are not a part of the shops decor and you sore head from all the crazy shoutings and arguing over who is going to buy what for whom and who is not.
Well, I just wish you all a very merry Christmas Eve and hope the rest of the holiday season will bring you all that you wish for.

Gleðileg jól og farsælt komandi ár

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