Sunday, August 07, 2005

Indian night and a dinner with friends

The weekend is almost over and I have been quite busy. Yesterday, my friend Hrabba, Gummi and I had an Indian night theme. It was amazing and worked out well, although we sorely missed our friend Guðný Stellu who is Tarzan-ing through the Amazon jungle from Bolivia to Brasil right about now. Gummi didn't get to wear a turban this year, since I forgot it at home. Sorry Gummi, next time I will definitely remember. Hrabba wore her yellow saree and wow it is yellow. But she was amazing in it, very becoming. I on the other hand wore my new off-white and green salwar kameeze, very nice. We ate quite early and then finished getting ready and went out. Yep, you see, my friend is learning bellydancing and her teacher was moving the place to a different location and it was the opening night, so it was very fitting for us to show up in our "múnderings", well I think that it was, and my god, it was incredible, what she has done with the place, very nice indeed, very cosy. After that the night sort of died down or at least became more relaxed. On the way home, we picked up their friends and had a short quite evening at their place, before the guys went into the city center and a few minutes later my friend gave me a ride home. It was a very nice evening and the food was lovely, but the problem was..... WE MISS YOU GUÐNÝ!!!

Tonight I had dinner with another set of friends. This time with my friend Margrét (who I have known since we were 3 years old) and her boyfriend Krissa. They invited me and Steina, Guðbjörts boyfriend (she is Margréts twin) over for dinner because they are soon leaving the country. Yup, they are going to Sweden for University and they are leaving in a week. So I will be all alone then. The food was absolutely delicious, and now I am absolutely hooked on roasted nuts. The only thing was the same as yesterday, there was someone missing from the party. This time Guðbjört but she is in India, and has been since January so it's been a while since we saw her and we all miss her very much. Anyway I am now getting ready for bed, because I have to wake up tomorrow to go to work.

OOOO, ps. I am getting more and more excited about going back out to Uni in september. I can hardly wait.

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