Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Home Alone

Nah, not quite, but my closest friends are now all over the world, spanning 4 continents. Monday my friend Margrét was the last to leave. She was going to Sweden where she will be attending University in Skövde for a year. Miss you already, Margrét and her sister Guðbjört is working for a humanitarian organization in India. My doctor friend Guðný Stella, who graduated as a doctor this summer went on a trip through South-America (and almost got eaten by a fish in the Amazon jungle). Then my friends Hrafnhildur and Guðmundur went for two weeks to Orlando Florida to chill out for winter. Didn't really work as Gummi got sunburned, hehehehe.
So, here I am left all alone home in Iceland, where if my phone rings (at all) my mother cheekily asks if there is anyone left in the country that wants to talk to me. :Þ
Because of this, I have just been having fun of course, working longer hours and doing more work at the genealogy service. Yesterday I stayed at work for nine hours, and most of my time I spent working my ass off, only taking an hour total for lunch and coffee ... eh, coke-break and then I went to the genealogy service where I worked for about two hours. So when I came home I was soooo tired, when I sat down in front of the TV I dosed off. I went to sleep at eleven o'clock last night. That has not happened since I was ten or something, this was soo weird, and weirder ... I slept through the night in the same position all night through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hæ, er að fara í skólann að skrá mig í kúrsa. Sem betur fer er ekki sól í dag, erum búin að verað stikna úr hita. Hafðu það gott krúsímús
Bestu kveðjur
þín maggsigg