Sunday, July 24, 2005


I made it. I did it. I got an e-mail from my head of department yesterday ... finally. And he told me that there was a letter on the way but he also told me the context of it. I MADE IT! I got into Single Honors in Celtic, so I have 2 more years left in Uni. Where I will be learning early Irish and medieval Welsh among other very interesting subject. Claire and Joanne and Sharon, girls we are on our way to stardom. Well weird-dom at least, since these medievalists are always quite eccentric and fun to watch.
Yesterday was a great day for me I guess. After getting these wonderful news we, mom, dad, my grandmother and I went for a drive to visit my brother and his family where they were staying for a week at a summerhouse (sumarbústað) near Laugarvatn. When we got there the temperature read 36°c and it was scorching. There was no need to grill anything today, I was already well done. So we went to Hotel Geysir in Haukadal and got incredible good food, with a great view over the geysers erupting. It was amazing, because of the weather and heat, and the sun. But on our way to Selfoss we got caught in fog, but we made it all the way to Hveragerði where we stopped in Eden to get some coffee and final stretch before we went home. In the hills above Hveragerði there was such a thick fog that we were hardly able to follow the road, but as soon as we got to the top the sun was blistering bright and rather difficult to drive because it was eye level with the drivers. But we made it and the sun kept on shining for a while more. But it was the best day we have had for quite some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

con grads girl... nice going...