Monday, August 23, 2004


www. This is truly a spectacular newspaper, that you can also access on the internet. It is distrubted free in Iceland but since I will be going to Scotland soon enough it is nice to know that I can still read it from afar. The writers for the paper are intellingent and witty (not that common at once) with a magic pen in hand. And the best thing is ... it is all in english, so everyone who has interest in Iceland but doesn't want to brave the icelandic newspapers this is the newspaper/website to look at. The latest edition Issue 6 is one of the best so far, but only because of two very very good and funny articles, titled; There is No Ham in Hamburger and The Politness of Icelanders. Check this out!

1 comment:

Mummi said...

já er þaggi bara... kv mumms