Monday, October 02, 2006

First day at school

This must be the strangest first day of school I have ever had.  I had my first class at ten in the morning, where I met my good pals, Jo and Claire.  The class was Advanced Early Gaelic Texts, which as you can assume involves old Irish stories, much fun.  Especially since all our old irish knowledge went flying out the window, which was not easy since we were sitting in a windowless room.  After class we headed over to the QM Union where we had light lunch.  Then an hour later Jo left us to go to class.  Claire and I, decided to move and went over to Jim's bar where we sat for the next hour chatting away about all or nothing, waiting for Jo to return.  She finally found us and we continued to sit there drinking and making merry for another hour, before Claire and I had to face our next challenge of the day.  Introduction to Medieval Welsh, sounds as exciting as the title of the course.  I think I actually got a wee cultur shock while listening to my teacher reading up a few sentences.  How in the world am I going to be able to lisp like that without sounding like drunk.  Well, after we staggered out of our first introduction of medieval welsh, me and Claire met up with Anne and went directly to the next pub.  We kind of needed it then, and there we sat for two hours just talking about everything and strange things, some stranger than others.  So the day ends with me having been to class for two hours and to the pub for four hours.  Productive day, wouldn't you say.  A good beginning of the year ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Væri nú alveg til í að vera í þínum skóla ef að þetta eru hlutföllin á milli tímasóknar og drykkju