Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fortune for 30p

Day three of shopping went better than expected. We started by walking to the Subway, because even though it looked like it might rain it was nice enough that we wanted to be out in the nice warm weather. We stared in Buchanan Galleries, where we had light lunch and then we hit the shops. The shopping bags soon started to pile and we went through all the shops in the Buchanan Galleries and then down Buchanan Street all the way to Marks & Spencers on Argyl Street. At that point the shops were starting to close so we decided enough was enought, since continuing would mean breaking and entering, not to mention looting. Because we were at the complete opposite end of town where we wanted to go for dinner we took a taxi there. The destination was All You Can Eat China Buffet, where we spent a good while of the evening and took it slowly. On the way out, we saw a jar full of Fortune cookies for 30p so we had to have one each. But we didn't open them yet, because we had an appointment with Cineworld to keep. We bought tickest and got really good seats where we fit with all our shopping bags and sat and waited. It was Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest that we were coming to see and boy it is great. I laughed myself silly, probably someone noticed as well. Oooh, and Árdís! There is a new Orange Wednesday's add with Steven Segal, brilliant, they also had the classic of "Bob, c'est ton oncle". From there the evening and the film just got better and better. Don't regrett these three hours of my life.
When we came home we opened our Fortune cookies, mine read "You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter", I liked that one, Hrabbas read "Take advantage of an upcoming opportunity" so it will be interesting to see what is in store for her. So, can you trust a Fortune bought for only 30p, but whatever the outcome it was worth it and also just for fun.
Well, am off to bed now, have to get up early tomorrow again for the last day of shopping.

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