Saturday, January 26, 2008

We'll see

I went shopping yesterday, yes, big surprise there and not worth the telling of it except for this.

At one of the till where I was paying for my purchase the sales woman struck up a conversation with me and asked me what I did, as in did I work or attend university. I answered that I was a student at the University of Glasgow. She then inquired what it was that I was studying and I replied that I was studying medieval scottish history. At this point this huge smile spread over her face and her eyes lit up and then this: 'So when you get married you can have a medieval theme going on!'
SPEECHLESS!!! That's what I was and could only stare at her. Yes, that's my ambition in life. But on the other hand if I ever do get married it is going to be a HISTORIC EVENT. So never say never I say. But all I could see in my head were these really strange people dressing up like the characters of Monty Python's Holy Grail. Please God, NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Nú hló ég það mikið að kókið spýttist út úr nefinu á mér :-) Maður fer auðvitað í langt og dýrt háskólanám til að ákveða þema í brúðkaupinu manns...
Ég var nú meiri vitleysingurinn að gifta mig ÁÐUR en ég menntaði mig, jæja, það er búið og gert. Ekkert við því að gera.

Knús yfir pollinn, Guðný og co. í Álaborg (sem er rosalega dugleg að lesa en ekki kvitta)

Anonymous said...

Takk fyrir spjallið áðan - var svo gaman að heyra í þér loksins. Til hamingju aftur með fyrirlesturinn, er svo ofsalega mikið afrek og gott hjá ykkur að halda svona vel upp á þetta :) Heyrumst fljótt aftur.
