Thursday, October 25, 2007

Imaginary friends ... or I am hearing voices

The disturbing news is that since starting my year at Glasgow again and this time with no Árdísi next door, I have started to have these very riveting conversations with myself. My friend Sandra, said that it was ok, the only thing I had to watch out for was when I would start answering myself as well, then I would have something to worry about. Well, I am way past that threshold, becuase not only do I talk to myself, it is almost more like having imaginary friends traipsing around my brain. Because I assign each and every voice sometimes a new voice, so that one voice sounds like Catriona, who is the more dominant voice right now, another sounds like Sharon, then there is Claire and I also have Sandra when I am feeling decidedly English. This is quite bizarre but quite entertaining and very exciting as well, and thank God no one else can overhear, that would be quite awkward. Don't worry, the voices aren't making me do anything dodgy or strange, and they never start the conversation, it depends on me. So I am hoping that is a good sign in this madness. But I truly think that my brain is distancing itself from me because that is the only other explanation I have or that I am going senile.
I have turned into the nutty professor!


Anonymous said...

Pant vera röddin sem segir þér að kaupa hluti... eða væri það kannski Bryndís? :þ - Hrabban

sandra said...

Why am I the english voice???!!!!
(he he)
I know, its this stupid neutral accent I picked up isn't it. I promise, I am welsh really!!
xx sandra