Do you have any idea of how many e-mails and "chain-letters" I have received over the years. Not in the region of hundreds but, quite a bit though. About 1-4 a month I would say. Now that may not seem a lot but that is not the issue here. What they contain does. Every e-mail promises the world and life filled with happiness and luck, but it also has a darker side. If you do not forward it to you family and friends you will be evoking years of pain and suffering by the hands of the unseen and unknown e-mail demon, that is secretly watching every bit of bite you send through the internet. Yeah, right. If this was true, I will have been cursed with bad luck, bad breath and bad karma since I started using the internet, will suffer the rest of my life and considering the amount of e-mails I have ignored and deleted I will probably suffer a lot through my next few years as well. But I wonder, if what I have been experiencing as a cursed or unlucky life I wonder what I should be complaining about.
I feel like I am as lucky as possible, but more than that, I don't consider it especially to be lucky, more like fated and blessed. And what could be considered bad luck or unhappy events, they so do not outweight the positive and wonderful things that I have gotten to experience.
I managed to get accepted into Glasgow University, where I spent 4 amazing years, studying a subject I truly enjoy, meeting and getting to know loads of people that I consider my friends and am blessed to have gotten to know. I graduated, I was lucky enought to be able to be surrounded by family when that happened. I got accepted again into M.Litt where I get to spend another year at Glasgow Uni, getting to know more and more people. I feel blessed with both a great family and wonderful range of friends from all over the world.
Now I ask you, why would I want to forward these things to anyone. Well, I might not forward all of them, only the really nice and sweet in the hopes that it won't scare the sh%t out of my friends, but mostly I don't forward them, because the e-mail does not dictate how my life will be.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
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1 comment:
Veistu að fyrir öll meilin sem eiga að boða óheppni ef ekki er forvardað þá er ég sennilega með óheppini fyrir næstu 5000 árin eða svo, en fyrir mér eru þessi meil bara hægvirkur vírus sem krefst þess að við sjálf dreifum honum.. öll svona meil fara beint í tunnuna hjá mér.. eða þá þessi klassísku að eitthvað stór fyrirtæki mun gefa 5 sent fyrir hvert forvardað mail út af jóa littla sem er með krabbamein og hann er alveg að deyja.. bú hú frikking hú segi ég nú bara.. gaman að sjá að það er stuð hjá þér... hilsen..
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