Thursday, September 27, 2007

7 years of bad luck

Do you have any idea of how many e-mails and "chain-letters" I have received over the years. Not in the region of hundreds but, quite a bit though. About 1-4 a month I would say. Now that may not seem a lot but that is not the issue here. What they contain does. Every e-mail promises the world and life filled with happiness and luck, but it also has a darker side. If you do not forward it to you family and friends you will be evoking years of pain and suffering by the hands of the unseen and unknown e-mail demon, that is secretly watching every bit of bite you send through the internet. Yeah, right. If this was true, I will have been cursed with bad luck, bad breath and bad karma since I started using the internet, will suffer the rest of my life and considering the amount of e-mails I have ignored and deleted I will probably suffer a lot through my next few years as well. But I wonder, if what I have been experiencing as a cursed or unlucky life I wonder what I should be complaining about.
I feel like I am as lucky as possible, but more than that, I don't consider it especially to be lucky, more like fated and blessed. And what could be considered bad luck or unhappy events, they so do not outweight the positive and wonderful things that I have gotten to experience.
I managed to get accepted into Glasgow University, where I spent 4 amazing years, studying a subject I truly enjoy, meeting and getting to know loads of people that I consider my friends and am blessed to have gotten to know. I graduated, I was lucky enought to be able to be surrounded by family when that happened. I got accepted again into M.Litt where I get to spend another year at Glasgow Uni, getting to know more and more people. I feel blessed with both a great family and wonderful range of friends from all over the world.
Now I ask you, why would I want to forward these things to anyone. Well, I might not forward all of them, only the really nice and sweet in the hopes that it won't scare the sh%t out of my friends, but mostly I don't forward them, because the e-mail does not dictate how my life will be.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Roald Dahls birthday

So I thought it fitting to share this poem with you. You all know the tale of Cinderella ... or so you thought!

I guess you think you know this story.
You don't. The real one's much more gory.
The phoney one, the one you know,
Was cooked up years and years ago,
And made to sound all soft and sappy
just to keep the children happy.
Mind you, they got the first bit right,
The bit where, in the dead of night,
The Ugly Sisters, jewels and all,
Departed for the Palace Ball,
While darling little Cinderella
Was locked up in a slimy cellar,
Where rats who wanted things to eat,
Began to nibble at her feet.

She bellowed 'Help!' and 'Let me out!
The Magic Fairy heard her shout.
Appearing in a blaze of light,
She said: 'My dear, are you all right?'
'All right?' cried Cindy .'Can't you see
'I feel as rotten as can be!'
She beat her fist against the wall,
And shouted, 'Get me to the Ball!
'There is a Disco at the Palace!
'The rest have gone and 1 am jalous!
'I want a dress! I want a coach!
'And earrings and a diamond brooch!
'And silver slippers, two of those!
'And lovely nylon panty hose!
'Done up like that I'll guarantee
'The handsome Prince will fall for me!'
The Fairy said, 'Hang on a tick.'
She gave her wand a mighty flick
And quickly, in no time at all,
Cindy was at the Palace Ball!

It made the Ugly Sisters wince
To see her dancing with the Prince.
She held him very tight and pressed
herself against his manly chest.
The Prince himself was turned to pulp,
All he could do was gasp and gulp.
Then midnight struck. She shouted,'Heck!
Ive got to run to save my neck!'
The Prince cried, 'No! Alas! Alack!'
He grabbed her dress to hold her back.
As Cindy shouted, 'Let me go!'
The dress was ripped from head to toe.

She ran out in her underwear,
And lost one slipper on the stair.
The Prince was on it like a dart,
He pressed it to his pounding heart,
'The girl this slipper fits,' he cried,
'Tomorrow morn shall be my bride!
I'll visit every house in town
'Until I've tracked the maiden down!'
Then rather carelessly, I fear,
He placed it on a crate of beer.

At once, one of the Ugly Sisters,
(The one whose face was blotched with blisters)
Sneaked up and grabbed the dainty shoe,
And quickly flushed it down the loo.
Then in its place she calmly put
The slipper from her own left foot.
Ah ha, you see, the plot grows thicker,
And Cindy's luck starts looking sicker.

Next day, the Prince went charging down
To knock on all the doors in town.
In every house, the tension grew.
Who was the owner of the shoe?
The shoe was long and very wide.
(A normal foot got lost inside.)
Also it smelled a wee bit icky.
(The owner's feet were hot and sticky.)
Thousands of eager people came
To try it on, but all in vain.
Now came the Ugly Sisters' go.
One tried it on. The Prince screamed, 'No!'
But she screamed, 'Yes! It fits! Whoopee!
'So now you've got to marry me!'
The Prince went white from ear to ear.
He muttered, 'Let me out of here.'
'Oh no you don't! You made a vow!
'There's no way you can back out now!'
'Off with her head!'The Prince roared back.
They chopped it off with one big whack.
This pleased the Prince. He smiled and said,
'She's prettier without her head.'
Then up came Sister Number Two,
Who yelled, 'Now I will try the shoe!'
'Try this instead!' the Prince yelled back.
He swung his trusty sword and smack
Her head went crashing to the ground.
It bounced a bit and rolled around.
In the kitchen, peeling spuds,
Cinderella heard the thuds
Of bouncing heads upon the floor,
And poked her own head round the door.
'What's all the racket? 'Cindy cried.
'Mind your own bizz,' the Prince replied.
Poor Cindy's heart was torn to shreds.
My Prince! she thought. He chops off heads!
How could I marry anyone
Who does that sort of thing for fun?

The Prince cried, 'Who's this dirty slut?
'Off with her nut! Off with her nut!'
Just then, all in a blaze of light,
The Magic Fairy hove in sight,
Her Magic Wand went swoosh and swish!
'Cindy! 'she cried, 'come make a wish!
'Wish anything and have no doubt
'That I will make it come about!'
Cindy answered, 'Oh kind Fairy,
'This time I shall be more wary.
'No more Princes, no more money.
'I have had my taste of honey.
I'm wishing for a decent man.
'They're hard to find. D'you think you can?'
Within a minute, Cinderella
Was married to a lovely feller,
A simple jam maker by trade,
Who sold good home-made marmalade.
Their house was filled with smiles and laughter
And they were happy ever after.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This is the month of Blog Quizzes apparently

I am the bearded lady, or so it seems!

You scored as Albus Dumbledore, Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Albus Dumbledore


Ron Weasley


Harry Potter


Hermione Granger


Ginny Weasley


Remus Lupin


Draco Malfoy


Sirius Black


Severus Snape


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
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Monday, September 10, 2007

I think that is a fair view of my belief

You scored as Classical Liberal, You are a classical liberal. You are sceptical about much of the historicity of the Bible, and the most important thing Jesus has done is to set us a good moral example that we are to follow. Doctrines like the trinity and the incarnation are speculative and not really important, and in the face of science and philosophy the surest way we can be certain about God is by our inner awareness of him. Discipleship is expressed by good moral behaviour, but inward religious feeling is most important.

Classical Liberal




Modern Liberal


Neo orthodox


Roman Catholic


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Reformed Evangelical




What's your theological worldview?
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