Saturday, July 28, 2007

It bugs me

I was reading the newspaper this morning and I came across an article about an "artist"! He's an old guy but somewhat known here in Iceland and they showed a selection of his works. Oh, my god. They actually call him a master artist and the only thing I could do was stare. Out of five works they showed, three of them were horrible. Not something I would be proud to show off if I had been the one to put this mess on canvas. This was someting that could have been done by a four year old and the funny thing is that then I would have applauded because that would have shown promise of things to come, but for an old guy to paint this and for others to call him a master artist is an insult to children. At four years they have already shown that they can handle a brush and simple images like persons and their surroundings, but here we have people applauding a guy in his sixties plus for finally achieving the same level of maturity as a four year old child. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

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