Saturday, July 08, 2006

Update on Glasgow Trip

Last night when I had said goodnight to Hrafnhildur I went to see Dinesh. He is still here, not moved out yet. I was very happy to see him again, and we talked for a long while about our families and what was happening in Sri Lanka. After a long while of chatting I finally said goodnight to him and went to my room and to my very very nice bed, where I slept like a log until 9 am (8am Icleandic time) and shortly thereafter I realized my mistake. Well, Hrabba and I had sort of decided to wake up at 9am to take the 10 am train to Edinburgh, everything fine with that except, I think I forgot to ask her to change her clock before she went to bed or at all throughout the day. So, right now I still think she is asleep. But that means we will be going to Edinburgh an hour later than we had originally intended but that is no biggie, just a funny screwup. The sun has started smiling through the clouds, it is supposed to be a lot more cloudy in Glasgow than Edinburgh today, so we are hoping it will be nice there. Also I need a jacket, so I am hoping it won't be to cold or rainy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mig langar ekkert smá að vera þarna með ykkur. Sakna Glasgow alveg svakalega. Vona að herbergið mitt hafi litið ágætlega út og ég hafi ekki gleymt meigluðum mat einhvers staðar ;) Skemmtið ykkur allavega alveg svakalega vel. Og taktu mikið af myndum í brúðkaupinu, langar að sjá hvernig ekta skoskt brúðkaup er :)