Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Something to blog about

Just came hom from the cinemas and now I have something to blog about.  Last night I stayed awake until 3 am to vote for Magni on Rockstar, like any true Icelander should have been doing last night.  And then, of course, it was buisness as usual ... work! at ten in the morning so I was not sleeping beauty this morning when mom woke me up.  Shortly after coming home from work the sms messages started pouring in.  My friend Árdís had two tickets for the opening film for the Icelandic Film Festival, it was to be a gala event.  Two big Hollywood movie stars were going to be there along with two guys responsible for the movie being made.  So, now I can say have rubbed elbows with some pretty big names, or more like been back to back with one of them.  The film was Factotum starring Matt Dillon ... and Marissa Tomei (although she is only about five minutes in the whole of the film) they were the ones that showed up ... nice PR job.  Lily Tomlin was also in the film, a much bigger part than Marissas but she wasn't there.  A few of the Icelandic film and acting elite were there as well, Friðrik Þór director and producer and then Randver Þorláksson from Spaugstofan was in the row in front of us.  For me that's like meeting Robin Williams so I was more impressed with him than the big Hollywood names. Now my friend loved the film, couldn't find a fault, loved it to pieces and noticed every little detail.  Me! I am not so deep thinking about films .. and can sum up critisism in three words IT IS CRAP, and a good way to prove that I should never ever go to anything that is labeled as a film festival, it just doesn't agree with me.  But Árdís my friend, thank you for the invitation, I always enjoy going to the cinemas with you even though it is sometimes not really my cup of tea we are viewing.  You can drag me along anytime, and this evening was a good start to what is to come this winter.


For now I am staying awake to find out how the voting went and see if we (the whole population of Iceland) managed to keep Magni from the bottom three and see who is really going to be sent home.  This is getting interesting people1

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Strange dreams

I don't know what to think anymore. Last night I had the weirdest dream of all. I was going camping! Yup, it just doesn't get any stranger than that. That is something anyone who knows me will know that will never ever happen. And it didn't happen in this dream either. I had the camping equipment ready... I thought. Went to the spot with the people I was camping with, but as it turned out some parts of the tent was missing and all sort of stupid idiotic thing that could go wrong when camping. So I was in some strange way always rushing back and forth trying to get all the right things for this durn camping, with not so much luck. I was getting frustrated as hell and was mumbling all through my dream, that I was never ever going through this again. I think I was almost home, having forsaken going camping that I finally woke up from this nightmarish dream. Me ... camping, not until hell freezes over.
I like to think of myself as one of the few humans that evolved from sleeping on the cave floor to sleeping in a bed. It's like ... progress! The of survival of the smartest.
And if ever I go camping, I will not accept anything less than this sort of thing:

Friday, August 18, 2006

Suraj hua maddham

I fell in love with Bollywood films, about three years ago, when a good friend of mine Hamza, introduced me to Kabhie Kushie Kabhie Gham. A truly spectacular movie that I have watched so often, or listened to the music so often that I have lost count. So I wanted to invite you to get a sneak peak into the Bollywood world I have been sucked into. This is a very slow, compelling romantic song, that I just find wonderful.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Windows Live Writer beta

I always have to try out new things, especially when it is something tech or computer related.  So I was browsing through when I saw an article about a new software from Windows.  I liked the idea and so now I am trying out the product.  It's the Windows Live Writer beta version.  Where, in a similar Word application you write your blog, can also insert pictures and maps (at least from Windows Live Local) and then upload them to your webblog.  I am quite curious about how this will work out.  I am just too easy when something new pops up on the technological horizon. 

Damn I wish Start Trek wasn't just a brilliant show.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The hi and goodbye weekend

Last night was fabulous although a bit strange. I went out to dinner with my friend Árdísi, whom I have barely seen this summer. Quite a change, from seeing her almost every single day of the week while we are in Glasgow. We went to Friday's, had nice dinner, although the service and the food are both drastically different from Glasgow. Then we went to the cinema which is in the same complex as the restaurant. I allowed my friend to select the movie and she chose Miami Vice. The movie theatre almost killed the movie off before it began, they played such a lullaby music before it began that it was amazing I wasn't snoring before the film began. The movie itself was ok, although I felt it was more like a lengthy televisionmovie rather than an action film. But all in all it was a wonderful evening.

Tonight was a bit different. I got a call from my friend Margréti, who is leaving tomorrow for Sweden, and she came over for a wee last visit. Oh, I miss her already. Her sister left last Sunday, so it has been quite strange, these last few weeks. On top of that, they are selling their childhood home, and won't be coming home to it at Christmas, for the first time. They are kind of homeless now. And I find this so strange to think about as well, since I trace my childhood roots to this home as well, so it is kind of saying goodbye to a whole era. And it is kind of hard, because when I moved, I didn't loose contact with my old home, because my grandmother moved into our old place and my friends were just across the road. Now the memories are no longer fixed within the confines of walls and windows and rooms, but only locked in our memories. Margrét and I spent quite a few moments remembering so much about our childhood and our antics, and how things can bring forth memories again. It is strange how things can make the memories more vivid and more tangible when holding them and how easy it is to loose them.
I just look forward to seeing my friends again at Christmas, they help to remind me that Christmas is about being with friends and family and not to worry about the future because I am blessed that I have them.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Friends are the riches of the world

Tonight was a sort of a goodbye time for a friend of mine Guðbjörtu. She is leaving for Norway on Sunday, early in the morning and tonight was sort of the only time available for us to get together for a goodbye ritual. They came bicylcing in the hot weather and were quite exhausted after the ride, which I can understand. I showed them pitures from the wedding and also the video clip of me dancing, I have to highlight that. There does exist proof that I danced at the wedding. Then for old times sake we decided to play a little game of Monopoly. But just before we started Margrét, Guðbjörts sister, drew a little notebook from their bag. It was a little notebook from when we were little girls. Everything in it was written by me, and I must have been around 7 or 8 years old when it was written. It truly is a most wonderful jewel of a present I could have gotten. We were rolling around the floor basically of laughter, as this was the most hilarious thing we had seen in a long time. The spelling mistakes, the word use, the seriousness of it. It was done during our time of newletter making, I probably have from them somewhere similar notebooks. We were obviously praticing our icelandic and trying to be a little bit grown up as well, playing news-reporters, with little less then success.
Oh, dear old friends, nothing is more precious, because they have all the same embarrassing stories from youth as you did, and you remember each other hickups while growing up.