Sunday, February 27, 2005


Went to a Þorrablót yesterday and managed to come back home alive. It was quite fun and the food was good (although some would not agree) and even I agree with some of it. The problem for me was that they served traditional súrmat not just þorramat so the sviðasulta was sour and I really didn't like that. But the rófustappa and sviðakjammar were very good as well as the flatkökur and hangikjöt. I didn't have much to drink of the spirit variety. I only had one glass of red wine, two of Bacardi breezer Orange and two shot glasses of Brennivín and then I just stuck with the Coke so I am good. I took a few pictures but not very many, I'll have to see how they turned out before I put them on the web. There was also traditional singing and fun stuff and even dancing and it was really very fun. But alas then the evening had to come to an end for us and me and Árdís went home in the last train leaving for Glasgow. Arrived in Glasgow about twenty minutes past twelve and then we had to wait for nearly an hour for a taxi, because there were so many waiting and few taxis.

I might head into town to day, just because I can't be bothered to do anything really productive today and I need some lunch and I don't have anything edible in the house.

19 Days Until I come Home!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Weathered out

It snowed today in Glasgow, started at least around one o'clock today and went on through the day. When I look out the window now, the cars have a white sheen covering them. This is quite amusing since I just saw news from home where they said a heat record for February had been broken at Kirkjubæjarklaustri. The previous record (and I don't know since when) was 9.9°c and today it was 13.5°c. And here I was shivering my ass off in barely 2°c. Brrrrrrr.
And since I am still sick I will only be going in for the most pressing matters tomorro. Three lectures in stead of five, I just know that I won't be able to stand being in Uni tomorrow for so long without a break.

I am still sick, but I hope I will be getting better soon. I haven't had much of a fever, but who knows what will come up next. I just hope I won't have to battle bronchitis right now, when I really have to focus on my schoolwork. Hope for the best.


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Ballet, what can I say

Well, the end was the best part. As in, "Yeesssss, it's finally over!" Ok, I must come completely clear on this, I don't regret going ... but I would regret going again. Ballet is not for me. The costumes and the music was great, the ballet was probably great as well, but I must say ... I have never seen a more GAY Prince Charming. And there was definitely some padding going on in strange places, that almost bordered on the obscene. The tights were definitely that and were riding well up the backside of this representation of the man of every woman's 'NIGHTMARE'! But other than that it was fun. Afterwards we went to J.D. Wetherspoons and had some late dinner and it was just about the best chicken salad I have ever had. Recomend that place. And now I am finally home in my soon to be warm room and I can go being sick again. I wasn't that bad today, and just knocked down some painkillers before I went out tonight so it wasn't so bad as all that. I just heard everything in mono, no stero sound getting through to me tonight. Hope I will be getting over this flu-thingy soon.

Friday, February 18, 2005

News from afar

Yep, I'm not really here at the moment, or at least my mind is playing tricks on me. I have a bit of a fever so I am not completely responsible for what is written here.
I finally got news from my friend in India, she has been gone a month and hasn't contacted anyone until now. But she is having fun and getting used to travel in the Indian traffic. I kind of envy her, because I really want to go to India one day. But right now I am focusing on working on some essays. I have been talking about working on my essays for ages but now I have actually started. Jeiii, good for me.
Hopefully I will be ok tomorrow, since I am going to the Ballet with Árdísi. Should be fun, nothing better than to see some bouncing boys hopping about in very tight tights to cheer you up when you are feeling poorly. So if anyone hears someone whistling in the audience - it might very well be me.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Cothromach deuchainn, gabh mo leisgeul

Bha fuar an-diugh agus bha mi sgíth ach cha robh mi tinn. Choisich mi dhan oilthigh a-máireach ach dhá cuspair, Gáidhligh agus Eachdraidh Meadhan-aoiseil. 'S toil leam Gáidhligh agus eachdraidh cuideachd síobhaltas nan Ceilteach.
Bhi mi dárna bliadhna air an Oilthigh Glaschu agus nuair tha mi sgíth. Bhi mi air chadal. Chí mi thu a-máireach a-rithist.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Desperate housewives

OOOh, a lot is going on in Desperate housewives this week. Árdís and I were just watching the latest and it left such a cliffhanger that we are dying for the next episode to come. How are we supposed to wait a week, but also we refuse to read up on the series. No way, we are going to prevail until the end.
The good news is that our friends and family are going to get the pleasure of being able to watch the Desperate housewives back home soon. Ríkissjónvarpið has anounced that they will air the series at their channel. The only uncertainty in this good news is that I have no idea when that will be. Kind of thinking that it might be around Easter.
Until then and until next week, we will be waiting with bated breath for the next installment into the mystery of Visteria Lane. Thankfully, Joey will help us wait until then. His series start this Sunday, víhí.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I'm coming home but not quite yet

I have just booked my flight home for Easter. I will arrive in Keflavik somwhere after noon on 18th of March and have wonderful 3 weeks and 2 days home until I have to return back to Glasgow.

Talaði við mömmu í gær og af því að það var Bolludagur þá hafði hún sögu að segja. Katrín og Svala komu í heimsókn og það var varla að Katrín var komin inn úr dyrunum þá var hún komin inn í eldhús og náði sér í eina bollu og beit í hana áður en hún skellti henni á borðið. Mátti ekki vera að því að bíða eftir rjóma eða disk eða neinu. Hún spurði líka hvar ég væri og mamma svaraði að ég væri í skólanum í Glasgow. Og svo spurði mamma hana hvort að þær ættu nú að baka bollur handa mér þegar ég kæmi heim. Katrín var nú öll á því, en hún ætlaði nú að gera meira en bara það. Hún ætlaði sko að ná í mig og meira að segja ná í mig í Glasgow. Því það væru nú þegar bollur hérna og það vantaði bara mig. Hún er svoddan yndisleg kelling, dýrka hana alveg út af lífinu.

On þí oðer hand, bekos æ haf tú, æ haf desæded tú kríeit a njú langvits and kol it englíska, vits is ínglis vritten in æslandik, há dú jú læk it. Meibí æ vill vræt mor englísku in þe koming deis. Sí jú leiter and teik it ísí.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

The importance of being Ernest

and I am in earnest when I say that I enjoyed myself tonight. Árdís dragged me willingly to the Gilmorehill Theatre where some students from University of Glasgow were performing the last show of The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde. It was fabulous and I must say that the actor who played Algie ... really captured my heart with his rougish ways. Truly talented aspiring actors.
Next we will be going to see the Tempest. I know that it is never nice to go alone to these sort of things and since Árdís wants to go I want to go as well. I think I have just put my finger on my philosophy about theater. I don't like going to theaters but when am an at a theater I like it.
On another subject, it is just short of six weeks until I come home for Easter, lots to do until then. Have to work on my presentation for tuesday, tomorrow. Thankfully much is already finished.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Lunch at mom's ... just not mine

I met my friend, Lewis, today for lunch. We went to Whistler's Mother Café, and those who have seen the Mr. Bean; The Movie know why I find that funny. And those that know about the time I saw the movie with my mom and my brother, also know why I actually find this hilarious.
But it was a very nice place, with a very nice selection of paninis and ciabattas, nachos and sandwiches. Afterwards I went into the citycenter just to pass some time before going back home.
And to night is the fith episode of Desperate housewifes so me and Árdís are going to plant ourselfs in front of the television and watch it. We ordered pizza and gulped that down over some Reality TV (hardly) and are now just waiting for the clock to strike ten.